Richmond airport

Each year, the university updates what is known as the “spectacular” in the main corridor of the Richmond International Airport.


Since the space lends itself to reaching a broad range of audiences, the spectacular is built to deliver a high level awareness of VCU. More recently it has incorporated RTBs that highlight third-party recognition, but overall the message uses the tone that is expressive of the community and academic rigor of VCU. Visuals bring students to the foreground and environmentals depict the university's presence in the heart of the city.

  • Strategy

    Brand awareness, Out-of-home

  • Design

    Art direction, design, production

  • Client

    Virginia Commonwealth University


Banner for VCU at the Richmond International Airport in 2021


Banner for VCU at the Richmond International Airport in 2020


Banner for VCU at the Richmond International Airport in 2019


Banner for VCU at the Richmond International Airport in 2018