Gabriel Paul Vernon art direction

Bending expectations with brand concepts, interjecting with opinions on strategy, executing purpose-driven creative, and lightly dabbling in UX and digital production

The experiences you'll read about here are ones that really mattered to me – initiatives and campaigns that effected change. Most of these efforts are aligned with service through design – an accessible, visual device that relays a clear message.

I'm a generalist who’s desperately jealous of specialists. I’ve grown to focus more on the message than what I’m ultimately displaying in the work. The closer I can get to the point of a product, the more I can art direct toward what the end user actually needs and inspire delight. I don’t believe we can afford complexity in our relationships with our audiences.

In candid conversations with partners and audiences, I’ve discovered deeper trust and grown into cross-disciplinary work patterns. Problem-solving is more satisfying with shared ideas instead of forcing concepts in favor of the loudest voice, even when that voice belongs to the client.

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