Room to serve

Area 10 community space on Cary Street

Area 10, BEYOND

Tithing or giving looks different depending on the faith, cause, or message. There’s often skepticism directed at any faith group that asks for money, often for good reason. With guidance and thoughtfulness, however, it becomes an opportunity to learn about sacrifice and the people in the community that benefit from those gifts.

Beyond sketch
Beyond logotype
Beyond icon animation

My role in the Area 10 capital campaign was an act of service as it was my community of faith at the time. I was asked to be director of communication and coordinate within a team toward the goal of raising money to establish a devoted space on Cary Street in Richmond. The church meets in The Byrd Theatre and rents space a block down, but the growth of the community demanded a commitment to purchase a building that would meet the needs of not just the staff but also the congregation and the city.

A10 Beyond cover and spread

The campaign had a clear roadmap and name so it needed structure in the form of a brand strategy and creative direction. “Beyond” came from the church’s mission – Love beyond reason. A call to love and serve more than anyone would consider reasonable. With that in mind, I wrote a vision statement that concluded with this:

This unified, hopeful vision is not just about adding more square feet. It is ultimately about creating more space in our hearts to reach others that seek a home in the body of Christ.

The statement set a tone in mobilizing the arms of the campaign. Its identity was driven by the power of growth and breaking out of a comfortable space. Prayer and conversation guides were published to build a discipline of mindfulness during a time of development. Signage and pull-up banners acted as reminders on Sunday mornings when so much of the campaign was out-of-sight, out-of-mind throughout the week.

BEYOND horizontal banner for Byrd Theater

Beyond pull-up banner for Byrd Theater lobby

Pull-up banner for Byrd Theater lobby

When it came time to make the final request, a comprehensive brochure was sent out to the congregation that used three words to declare a calling: intentionally, sacrificially, and joyfully. At launch, the church raised $700,000 that placed it nearly halfway to the fundraising goal.